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Ethiopians Celebrate the New Borana Chief Aba Gada Guyo Boru

Amensisa IFA

BBC News, Arda Jila Badhasa

Amensisa Ifa / BBC Young men wear ostrich feathers on their heads.Amensisa IFA / BBC

Thousands of people have been gathering in southern Ethiopia for one of the country’s biggest cultural events.

The week-long Gada ceremony, which ended on Sunday, sees the official transfer of power from one customary ruler to his successor – something that happens every eight years.

The traditional of regularly appointment a New Abbas has been practiced by the Borana community for centuries – and see them gather at the Rural site of Arda Jila Prize, Near the Ethiopian Town of Arero.

It is a time to celebrate their special form of democracy as well as their cultural heritage, with each age group taking the opportunity to wear their different traditional outfits.

These are paraded the day before the official handover during a procession when married women march with wooden batons, called “siinqee”.

Amensisa Ifa / BBC Women carry carved wooden sticks and march in matching red clothes.Amensisa IFA / BBC

The batons have symbolic values of protection for women, who use them during conflict.

If a siinqee stick is placed on the ground by a married woman between two quarrelling parties, it means the conflict must stop immediately out of respect.

During the procession, younger women lead at the front, distinguished from the married women by the different colour of their clothing.

Amensisa Ifa / BBC Young women lead the other women. They are dressed in purples and blacks. They do not carry sticks, unlike the married women.Amensisa IFA / BBC

In this pastoralist society women are excluded from holding the top power of Abbaa Gadaa, sitting on the council of elders or being initiated into the system as a child.

But their important role can be seen during the festival as they build all the accommodation for those staying for the week – and prepare all the food.

And the unique Gada system of governance, which was added to the UN’s cultural heritage list in 2016, allows for them to attend regular community meetings and to voice their opinions to the Abbaa Gadaa.

Amensisa Ifa / BBC Borana Women in Southern Ethiopia Building Huts from Wood, Mud and StrawAmensisa IFA / BBC

Gada membership is only open to boys whose fathers are already members – young initiates have their heads shaven at the crown to make their rank clear.

The smaller the circle, the older he is.

Amensisa Ifa / BBC A circle is shaved into the back of a young man's hair.Amensisa IFA / BBC

As the global cultural body Unesco reportsoral historians teach young initiates about “history, laws, rituals, time reckoning, cosmology, myths, rules of conduct, and the function of the Gada system”.

Training for boys begins as young as eight years old.

Later, they will be assessed for their potential as future leaders.

Amensisa Ifa / BBC An elder wears a headdress and carries items that indicate his status.Amensisa IFA / BBC

As they grow up, tests include walking long distances barefoot, slaughtering cattle efficiently and showing kindness to fellow initiates.

Headpieces made from cowrie shells are traditionally worn by young trainees. The only other people allowed to wear them are elderly women.

Both groups are revered by Borana community members.

Amensisa Ifa / BBC A mother puts a cowrie-shell headpiece on her son for the festivities.Amensisa IFA / BBC

Men Aged between 28 and 32 areidentified by the ostrich feathers they wear, which are known in the English language as “Baallii”

Their attendance at the Gada ceremony is an opportunity to learn, prepare and bond as it is already known who the Abbaa Gadaa from this age group will be taking power in 2033.

Amensisa Ifa / BBC Young men wear feathers in their hair to show their status as initiates.Amensisa IFA / BBC

The main event at the recent Gada ceremony was the handover of power, from the outgoing 48-year-old Abbaa Gadaa to his younger successor.

Well-wishers crossed the border from Kenya and others travelled from as far as Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, to witness the spectacle. The governor of Kenya’s Marsabit county was among the honoured guests.

Thirty-seven-year-old Guyo Boru Guyo, seen here holding a spear, was chosen to lead because he impressed the council of elders during his teenage years.

Amensisa Ifa / BBC a man in a white robe carries a spear.Amensisa IFA / BBC

He becomes the 72nd Abbas and will now oversee the Borana Community across Ethiopia and North-wesern Kenya.

As their top diplomat, he will also be responsible for solving feuds that rear their heads for pastoralists.

These often involve cattle raiding and disputes over access to water in this drought-prone region.

During his eight years at the helm, his successor will finish his training to take on the job in continuation of this generations-old tradition.

Additional reporting by Natasha Booty.

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